Nowadays combine the proper maintenance plan, support services with the capability to acquire spare parts (for both up-to-date technology and obsolete) or to repair the defective parts is essential to maintain the application running without long and unexpected downtime.

We have the ability to do all of that.

  • We can provide a wide range of industrial automation products (ORSI® AUTOMAZIONE, SIEMENS SIMATIC, SIEMENS TELEPERM/SIMADYN, ABB Infi90 and many others)
  • Through our network of partners & supplier, even if the part is obsolete and no longer produced we can still the parts for you (in new, used, refurbished conditions)
  • We do provide repair, functional tests and in some cases warranty coverage are available for most of the current or legacy manufactures

If you have the need to acquire a part (new or obsolete) or, you have a parts that require functional test or repair service, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We are confident that we can help.

A person working on electronics in front of a computer.

Other Application Oriented Services

Analisi ed Ispezioni in Sito
Supporto Tecnico
Servizi Orientati ai Progetti
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